Health Report For 20 year

Rs. 6999/- or $ 120

We are all very keen on living a healthy life forever. There is no point in having achieved everything in life without good health. Get everything answered from your future health to any concerning health issues in the future, enjoying your health in the future, and taking measures to enjoy health in the future. Get everything answered without wasting much time and get your astrological health report package.

* Kindly fill the form in Description Field and make the payment.
* Only one consultation applicable in one fee.


Health Report For 20 year Package

A health report for 20 year olds can provide valuable insight into the physical and emotional health of an individual. This analysis can help parents and guardians identify potential health issues and make informed decisions about the health of their children.

The health report begins with a review of the individual’s medical history. This includes a review of any illnesses, surgeries, or major hospitalizations that may have occurred in the past. It also covers any current medications and any allergies the individual may have.

Next, the health report looks at the individual’s lifestyle. This includes diet, exercise, sleep patterns, and other habits. The health report will also assess the individual’s mental health and emotional well-being. This includes looking at the individual’s self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness, and other psychological and emotional issues.

Finally, the health report looks at the individual’s astrological chart and its influence on the individual’s health. This includes looking at the individual’s sun sign, moon sign, and other planetary influences. The report will also assess the individual’s current transits and any other relevant astrological information.

For Indian Clients

Pay: Rs. 6999/-

For Foreigner Clients

Pay: $ 120/-